Square Bottom with Hinged Lid Mil-spec pouches

Pouches are made in accordance to MIL DTL 117H dated April 30, 2001. This specification is approved for the use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. Typically the inside dimensions (ID) are used for quoting, ordering, and manufacturing of Mil-Spec bags unless otherwise noted. The seal size is 3/8” on machine made pouches and ½” on hand made pouches. All Mil-Spec pouches have a 1/8” loading lip and are marked with the MIL DTL117 marking unless otherwise noted on the purchase order.

Some applications require a square bottom pouch with hinged lid. This allows the packer to create a pouch with right angles to maximize volume. The lid is sealed on one of the four top corners. The pouch is positioned on the floor or table, the item is placed into the pouch, and then a heat healer is used to seal the remaining 3 corner seals.

Photo of a square bottom bag with the lip ½ opened


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